
Pylasteki is a 1961 Pearson Triton sailboat. She is one of my personal project boats... I am rebuilding her as a blue water cruiser.

Enjoy, if you have any questions or comments, drop me line:


Monday, August 3, 2009

Day... I've lost count, but my wallet hurts.

What a 48 year old piece of phenolic looks like... I think. Grin. That is Pylasteki's masthead sheave, or for the non-boat speakers... the pulley at the top of the mast the rope goes over so you can put up a sail.

I'm currently in Greensboro on account of parts hunting, and machine shop time.

Today I:

Ordered 2 inch by 14 inch x .250 silicon bronze bar stock... 10 pieces. Couple spares, deciding if I want split back stays... Pulled the trigger on 41 bucks each, had another quote come back later today at 30 each. Doh.

Ordered a piece of 3/4 inch phenolic 14 x 23 inches... gonna make a new sheave and spare... $53

Priced out a sheets of 1/2 inch acrylic, 1/2 inch polycarbonate... xr10 and mr10... (Ouchie on the last one.) Probably going to do 1/2 inch polycarbonate with a UV package, and a sheet of 1/8th inch acrylic in front of it as a sacrificial scratch shield/uv filter.

Went to woodcraft... picked up some goodies I've been lusting over. Mmmm. Ouchie. Mainly a half decent compass so I can quit moaning about the inadequacies of plastic and stamped steel cheese metal.


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