
Pylasteki is a 1961 Pearson Triton sailboat. She is one of my personal project boats... I am rebuilding her as a blue water cruiser.

Enjoy, if you have any questions or comments, drop me line:


Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Day 6

Day 6...

Cut out starboard main bulkhead. Ground all the tabbing off the aft side on the hull, but left the little leftovers on the front side to serve as a visual indicator (fancy speak, eh...) for my template.
Fit my pattern I cut out in, and used it as a story board to fix the couple spots I missed with the paper template. I then got the passageway (door frame? no door going back in...) to an 1/8th inch all the way around... plane down here, plane down there... then pondered... "Self... aren't you going to put a foam pad under this bulkhead?"

It was at that point I decided I wasn't going to cut a 96 dollar sheet of plywood undersize by the wrong amount... today. (Grin, gotta leave room for future expectations!)

I glued up my trial mast beam. Used mini pumps on west systems... slow hardener. 12 hours later it was bubble gum. Mixed up a test batch, kicked in three hours. Decided I'd try again after dark... hardener came out of the can creamy, moisture. I need to figure out what the cause of the moisture is, as the drum at the boat yard is a new one... I blamed the last dregs on my side deck bubble gum a few weeks ago....

Though it is perhaps possible that it's the cosmos way of telling me not to spend time and energy making stuff with poor materials.

After that discovery it was time for a shower and dinner.

Went back to Noel afterwards to check on my test batch, that kicked... and decided to rip my 4 inch PVC down to size. 2 fences on a band saw, and a line drawn on the top following the text did the trick. I didn't run the fences parallel to the blade, 4 1/4 at the front of the table and 4 1/2 at the back... dropped the top guide down just close enough to the top of the tube to have some clearance... and went to town. If this evil plan works out, I'll use PVC pipe in a way other than directed... grin.

With that done, I headed over to Pylasteki and tested out my new carbide scraper. Read about it on the forum somewhere.... quite nice. A decent workout, but not a whole lot of dust, and it peeled off T.P.S. without melting it.. grin.

Zach - Has had one of those days...

Pictures: top 2 are a trick to transfer lines on large radius circles. If you've ever played with computer models, you know a radius can be broken down into a lot of straight lines... so a straight line smaller than whatever width that would yield a polygon that has a smooth curve, will follow the curve. I hate compasses (Have I said that before?) for doing anything but making small circles, so here you add the width of the scrap piece of wood (nice to have a scrap that was cut on a table saw on a few sides) and a carpenters pencil. Hold the two together, the pencil can float side to side a little, as your tool is a triangle... 2 points rubbing on the outer line. With that short of sides on the triangle, you can't measure the difference without breaking out a steel rule that is finer than folks use for wood working.

Curved spline thingie. Blew a pay check on it and a few other things at Woodcraft the last time I went. Not so hot for doing small boat work, but big boats its nice to have a 72 inch batten that holds its place for you... I'm using it as a weighted spline here, broke my skinny batten the other day.

(I will hang my head in shame and admit that my mind works in decimals better than fractions, and that I planed the stock for my mast beam with a dial caliper in hand...)

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